Уладар Пярсьцёнкаў

[Uladar Piarścionkaŭ]

Уладар Пярсьцёнкаў, Lord of the Rings (Belarusian)

This set was one of the first that I ordered directly from the publisher and not through Amazon or ebay. At the time the publisher's website was not particularly business-friendly (it has since improved). The proprietor didn't speak English, so my wife Irina spoke to him in Russian and made all the arrangements. His service was excellent.

Уладар Пярсьцёнкаў (Belarusian), purchased on-line from imbryk, Minsk, Belarus in 2017 (paperback)

Tolkien, J.R.R. Уладар Пярсьцёнкаў. Translated by Dz’mitryja Mahileŭtsava and Krys’tsiny Kurchankovaj. Vol. 1, Зьвяз Пярсьцёнка, 2008.

———. Уладар Пярсьцёнкаў. Translated by Dz’mitryja Mahileŭtsava and Krys’tsiny Kurchankovaj. Vol. 2, Дзьве вежы, 2008.

———. Уладар Пярсьцёнкаў. Translated by Dz’mitryja Mahileŭtsava and Krys’tsiny Kurchankovaj. Vol. 3, Вяртаньне караля, 2009.

(There is no ISBN for these books)

According to Wikipedia, only 500 copies were printed.