Table of Contents

I love order, so there are several lists of language links here:  Titles of the translations in Unicode order, Languages in alphabetical order, Languages by language family (or Indo-European subfamily), and The Hobbit and The Silmarillion translations.  The numbers in parentheses behind some language names indicate how many different editions that I own in that language.  At the bottom of this page is a chart showing the different formats used to publish LOTR and which examples I have of each.


Norwegian: Bokmål [B], Nynorsk [N]; Bengali: Bangladeshi [B], Indian [I]


Language Families

Indo-European:  Indo-Iranian

Indo-European:  Miscellaneous






Other Tolkien Works

The following which are bound in LOTR volumes:

The following which is bound in a Hobbit volume:

The following edition is in two volumes:  Korean [S]

Publishing Formats for LOTR

One Volume, including HobbitRussian A

Two Volumes (FR / TT + RK)Bulgarian B

Two Volumes (FR + TT 1 / TT 2 + RK):  Russian J

Two Volumes (Appendices + FR / TT + RK):  Russian L

Two Volumes, including Hobbit (H + FR / TT + RK)Russian G

Three Volumes, plus AppendicesDutch E, Dutch I, Dutch K, German A, German F

Four Volumes (FR 1 / FR 2 / TT / RK):  Georgian B, Sinhala A (presumably)

Six Volumes (FR 1 / FR 2 / TT 1 / TT 2 / RK 1 / RK 2)Korean B, Japanese D

Six Volumes (FR 1 / FR 2 / TT 1 / TT 2 / RK 1 / RK 2), plus AppendicesChinese [Simplified] D, Japanese B, Korean C

Nine Volumes (FR 1 / FR 2 / FR 3 / FR 4 / TT 1 / TT 2 / TT 3 / RK 1 / RK 2)Japanese A