সর্বাধিপতি আংটি
[Sarbādhipati āṇṭi]
There are translations of two different varieties of Bengali, Bangladeshi and Indian. The Bangladeshi Bengali is here.
There are translations of two different varieties of Bengali, Bangladeshi and Indian. The Bangladeshi Bengali is here.
সর্বাধিপতি আংটি (Bengali [Indian]), purchased on-line from The Dogears Bookshop, Goa, India in 2021 (paperback)
সর্বাধিপতি আংটি (Bengali [Indian]), purchased on-line from The Dogears Bookshop, Goa, India in 2021 (paperback)
Tolkien, J.R.R. সর্বাধিপতি আংটি. Translated by Aniruddha. Vol. 1, আংটির মৈত্রীসংঘ. Cinnamon Teal Publishing, 2012. ISBN: 978-93-81542-61-3
Tolkien, J.R.R. সর্বাধিপতি আংটি. Translated by Aniruddha. Vol. 1, আংটির মৈত্রীসংঘ. Cinnamon Teal Publishing, 2012. ISBN: 978-93-81542-61-3
———. সর্বাধিপতি আংটি. Translated by Aniruddha. Vol. 2, দুই মিনার. Cinnamon Teal Publishing, 2013. ISBN: 978-93-80151-76-2
———. সর্বাধিপতি আংটি. Translated by Aniruddha. Vol. 2, দুই মিনার. Cinnamon Teal Publishing, 2013. ISBN: 978-93-80151-76-2
Only FR and TT have been published so far. RK exists in manuscript form, but has never been published. These volumes (including Hobbit) are print on demand so it takes a couple of weeks between ordering and shipping.
Only FR and TT have been published so far. RK exists in manuscript form, but has never been published. These volumes (including Hobbit) are print on demand so it takes a couple of weeks between ordering and shipping.
হবিট (Bengali [Indian]), purchased on-line from The Dogears Bookshop, Goa, India in 2022 (paperback)
হবিট (Bengali [Indian]), purchased on-line from The Dogears Bookshop, Goa, India in 2022 (paperback)
Tolkien, J.R.R. হবিট. Translated by Aniruddha. Cinnamon Teal Publishing, 2011. ISBN: 978-93-80151-93-9
Tolkien, J.R.R. হবিট. Translated by Aniruddha. Cinnamon Teal Publishing, 2011. ISBN: 978-93-80151-93-9